If you've ever taken a live class with me, you know I love me some props! Here are three of my favorite ways to use blocks to take extra awesome care of myself. These three self-massage techniques target key areas of the body where we could all use a little extra love. Give them a try and let me know what you think! And if you don't have a yoga block, try using a large paperback book that is roughly the same size and shape. Or a hardback one with a towel draped over it to soften those hard edges.
Lower Back
How’s your back feeling? If you’re anything like me, your lower back could use a little extra love right now. This self massage technique with a yoga block is one of my favorite ways to loosen up those tight low back muscles! I try to do this every day, especially if I’ve been sitting at a desk for a long time.
If you were one of the gazillions of people out there spending your days hunched over a screen, then I’ll bet your neck could use some love! This neck massage technique using the yoga block is a fantastic way to release those muscles that run down the back of your neck.
Are your dogs barkin’? Our little feet do SO much work for us, they deserve a treat! This self-massage technique uses a yoga block to provide those hard-working footsies of yours some much-needed - and well- deserved - relief!
Amazing, I love it! Thank you so much🥰🥰